
What is Blogging?

Blogging is the process of running a personal log of random thoughts and opinions about any topic you like. You publish these comments on a special type of website called a Blog.

You can get a free blog from services like and WordPress.

Blogging has changed the character of the internet because it is informal and allows very rapid updating. People who blog just tend to write what they like and publish their thoughts without much planning. This informality is one of the reasons why people like to read them too because in the online world, formal, corporate-speak yawn-fest websites are dull. People actually relate to informality much better and one of the best examples of this is the way that people react to stories online.

Popular blogs attract a devoted readership and if you are fortunate enough to get an online following, then you can put that steady traffic flow to good use. Clearly you have to be careful not to put off your readers by over-promoting things, but the occasional reference to something that you happen to be an affiliate of can generate you commission payments from time to time.

Any published blog contributes to the blogosphere.

Tools have been developed to make it easy for the content of blogs to be syndicated and also for blog content itself to be generated automatically from RSS feeds and other sources.