What is Clicktale?
ClickTale is a powerful website analytics program that lets you
- Study movies of how people really interact with your website. It’s like watching over their shoulder as they move their cursor around and hover over links and click them or not
- See how far down your web page people are scrolling which helps you to know whether to make your pages shorter or longer
- Find out if people hesitate over links before clicking them – which means you can identify problem links that are not getting instant clicks.
ClickTale in other words will help you optimise your landing pages fast and easily and can maximise the conversion rate of any forms you are using.
You can also use it to minimise the abandonment rate of your shopping car.
It is curiously fascinating to watch a replay of someone’s interaction with your site – you see them move their cursor around and scroll up and down, before hovering over some links, and clicking others.
One very clear benefit is being able to see how far down a long page people actually go. If you can get people to “read on” you are likely to reduce your bounce rate. Whichever way you view ClickTale, it gives you a new insight into how people really react to your site and not how you think they interact. You are bound to be surprised – and learn some new ways to boost your conversion rates.