What is a Thank You Page?
Thank You Pages are web pages that people get taken to when they have either purchased a product online or subscribed to an email list.
A typical sequence of events on a well-designed website is that the first time visitor will be shown information that is interesting and/or valuable and will be offered further information free in return for subscribing to an email list.
When he or she does this (a “conversion”), the form into which they have entered their contact details, usually just name and email address, is processed by an autoresponder of some sort. This will add their details to an emailing list and automatically take them to a new web page – the Thank You page.
On this Thank You page the visitor may often be given links to the additional information he or she was offered. In many cases this could be a link to a pdf file. Alternatively it may be displayed on the page directly.
In the case of a purchase, the Thank You page may include an upsell which can increase sales revenues.